1) What are some interesting words, phrases, and sentences? 2) What words created a feeling or picture in your mind? Describe the feeling or picture. How did these works evoke these images or feelings? 3) Where do you believe the author describes something well? Why? 4) What are some of the strongest words used by the author? 5) How did the author begin and end the chapter? 6) Was any of the language especially interesting, vivid, or surprising? 7) What is the genre of the book? how did you know? 8) Is this text a good example of this genre? Why or why not? 9) How is this book like other books you've read in this genre? 10) What do you find difficult about reading this genre? 11) How does the story make you feel? 12) Have you had similar experiences? 13) Does the book remind you of another? 14) Do any of the characters remind you of someone in real life?

Chapter Questions Set 2


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