break down (поламатися) - stop functioning, break out - start suddenly, break into - enter illegally, break down (втрачати самоконтроль) - lose control of one's feelings, break in - interrupt (break), break up - end a relationship, burn down - be destroyed by fire, burn out - become exhausted, cut out - cut from/remove, cut down on - reduce, cut off (перебивати) - interrupt (cut), cut up - cut into small pieces, cut off (ізольований) - isolated, cut sth out (припинити) - stop doing, turn off - switch off, turn into - change to, turn out - result in a particular way, turn up (приїзжати неочікувано) - arrive unexpectedly, turn down (зменшувати звук) - reduce the amount of sound, heat, turn down (відхиляти) - reject, turn on - switch on, turn to - come to and ask for, turn up (збільшувати звук) - increase the amount of sound, heat,

Unit 07 Use of English B2 Phrasal verbs


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