Who were the three non-prophets whose names are mentioned with due respect in the Qur’an? - Luqman, Aziz of Egypt and Zulqarnain, In which part of the Qur’an do you find ‘Ayat-ul-Kursi’? - Surat Al-Baqarah, Who was the Prophet mentioned in the Qur’an whose three generations were prophets? - Prophet Ibrahim, In the Qur’an what other name is given to the city of Makkah? - Bakkah, Baladul Ameen, and Ummul Qura, According to the Qur’an what other name is given to the city of Madinah? - Yathrib, Whose Generation is known as “Bani Israeel” according to the Qur’an? - The generation of Prophet Yaqoob, Which verse in the Qur’an prohibits the consumption of alcohol? - Surah Al-Ma’idah, Which are those two Surahs of the Quran only one Alphabet each? - Surah Saad and Surah Qaaf, How many names of Angels are mentioned in - Twelve, Which Battle has the Name of One Surah? - Surah Ahzaab, Which Surah is named after a basic pillar of Islam? - Surah Al Haj, Who was the first person to write with a pen? - Prophet Idrees, On whose order was the Qur'an compiled completely in written form? - Abu Bakr, What is the name of the mount on which Allah talked to Prophet Musa ? - Mount Sinai, How many Aayath (verses) are there in the Qur'an? - 6236 verses, Who was the only companion of Mohammed to be named in the Quran? - Zaid, How many times is the word ‘Allah’ repeated in the Qur’an? - 2698 times, Who confined the recitation of the Qur’an to the style of the Quraysh tribe? - Usman, Which mosque mentioned in the Qur'an? - Masjid al-Haram, Masjid An--Nabawi, Masjid Quba, Masjid AlAqsa, and Masjid Zirar, What according to the Qur''an is the root cause of the evil? - Alcohol,
Quran 2
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