1) The dog is ....................... than a cat. a) the biggest b) bigger 2) Iphone is .............. phone. a) the best b) better 3) This is .................... building in the world a) the tallest b) taller 4) Summer is ....................... than winter. a) hotter b) the hottest 5) Ferrari is ................... than Mazda. a) faster b) the fastest 6) Snail is .................than a turtle. a) slower b) the slowest 7) This baby is ...................in the family a) younger b) the youngest 8) The clown with red hair is ................than with yellow hair a) funnier b) the funniest 9) The girl is ...............than the boy a) the shortest b) shorter 10) The boy is ............... than the girl a) farther b) the farthest 11) A lemon is ............... than a banana a) more sweet b) sweeter c) less sweet 12) Harry Potter is ............... than The Lord of the Rings  a) more interesting b) the most interesting 13) Odessa is .............. city in Ukraine  a) more beautiful b) the most beautiful 14) Odessa is .............. than Kyiv  a) more beautiful b) the most beautiful 15) Our group is ..............! a) better b) worse c) the best d) the worst

Comparatives and Superlatives 15 questions


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