1) what game does knukles appear in? a) b) c) 2) what is your favorite game (it dosent have to be sonic) a) b) c) 3) who does amy like a) sonic b) knucles c) tails 4) how many rings do you have to get to be super sonic a) 100 b) 150 c) 50 5) how many times do you have to hit dr.eggman to defeat him a) eight b) three c) five 6) sonic best bud a) tails b) knuckles c) shadow 7) what is sonics best meme a) sanic b) idk what this is c) i cant look at this 8) thank you for playin continue for more a) THANKS!! :) b) UWU c) thank you 9) Do You Like Mickey Mouse a) YES b) NO c) MAYBE 10) guess my favorite show as a kid a) mickey mouse b) sonic show c) FLAMINGO


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