Executive Branch Card - Sign! The President signed your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "law.", Executive Branch Card - Sign! The President signed your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "law.", Executive Branch Card - Sign! The President signed your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "law.", Executive Branch Card - Sign! The President signed your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "law.", Executive Branch Card - Oh no. The President rejected your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "veto.", Executive Branch Card - Oh no. The President rejected your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "veto.", Executive Branch Card - Oh no. The President rejected your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "veto.", Executive Branch Card - Oh no. The President rejected your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "veto.", Executive Branch Card - Oh no. The President rejected your bill. Follow the directions on the board for "veto.",

Executive Branch Cards



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