Texas 1845 - Added to US after it became an independent republic, Louisiana Territory 1803 - Jefferson purchased from France for $15m, Florida 1819 - Spain gave Florida to US through a treaty, Oregon Territory 1846 - Divided between US and Canada, California and Southwest Territory 1848 - After a war with Mexico, became part of US, Lewis and Clark - Led expedition of Louisiana Territory, Manifest Destiny - 1800s belief that Americans had the right to spread across the continent, Trail of Tears 1838 - Forced16,000 Native Americans to leave Cherokee land on a brutal 700 mile journey, Indian Removal Act 1830s - Law signed by Pres. Andrew Jackson to exchange lands of eastern tribes for lands in west, Inventor - Person who is the first to think of or make something, Entrepreneur - A person who organizes resources to bring a new or better good or service to market, in hopes of earning a profit, Cotton Gin - Invention that increased the need for slave labor to cultivate and pick cotton, Eli Whitney - Inventor of Cotton Gin, Reaper - Horse drawn cutting machine used to cut grains that increased productivity of American farmer, Cyrus Mc Cormick and Jo Anderson - Worked to invent the reaper (horse drawn machine used to cut wheat) , Robert Fulton - Improved the steamboat, Steam Locomotive - Faster land transportation- linked the N,S,and W faster than horse and wagon, Gold Rush - California 1849- many people rushed West to get rich quick, Sacagawea - Native American guide who was vital part of Louisiana Expedition, Canals - Manmade waterways that linked regions,
Westward Expansion
6th Grade
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