There are many reasons colonists came to America. You will need to name one. - freedom, political liberty, religious freedom, economic opportunity, practice their religion, an escape persecution, Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? - Native Americans (sometimes called American Indians), What group of people were taked to America and sold as slaves? - Africans (people from Africa), Why did the colonists fight the British? - high taxes (taxation without representation), the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering), they didn't have self-government, Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? - Thomas Jefferson, When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? - July 4, 1776, When was the Constitution written? - 1787, There were 13 original states. You will need to name three. - New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, What happened at the Constitutional Convention? - The Constitution was written by the Founding Fathers., The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Who wrote them (name one of the writers). - James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Publius, Benjamin Franklin is famous for many things. Name one of these. - U.S. diplomat, oldest member of the Constitutional Convention, first Postmaster of the U.S., wrote "Poor Richard's Almanac", started the first free libraries, Who is the "Father of Our Country"? - George Washington, George Washington - Who was the first U.S. President?,
U.S. Citizen Test #6 History (Colonial Period and Independence)
U.S. Citizenship Test
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