1) What is the correct way to write this sentence? a) Was born in 1972 in Denver Colorado at a United States mint. b) I was born in 1972 in denver, colorado at a United States mint. c) I was born in 1972 in Denver, Colorado at a United States mint. d) Me was born in 1972 in Denver, Colorado at a United States mint. 2) What is the correct way to write this sentence? a) A Chihuahua sold in a pet store is neither bigger. Nor smaller than your first dog. b) The Chihuahua sold in a pet store is neither bigger, nor smaller than your first dog. c) The Chihuahua sold in a pet store is neither bigger nor smaller than your first dog. d) None of the sentences are written incorrectly. 3) Which sentence is written correctly? a) In Africa the "barkless" dog was prized by their owners because of their hunting skills. b) Because of their hunting skills in Africa "barkless" dog were prized by the by their owners c) In Africa, they were prized by their owners because, of their hunting skills. d) Their hunting skills, prized by their owners, were in Africa. 4) Which sentence is written correctly? a) She said, "It looks like you might have a snow day today." b) She says, "It looks like you might has a snow day today." c) She said, " It looks like you might have a snow day today." d) The sentences are written correctly. 5) Which sentence is written correctly? a) I flew on an airplane to my grandmother's house last summer for a two-week stay. b) I flew on an airplane for a two-week stay. To my grandmother's house last summer. c) I flew to my granmothers house last summer for a two-week stay on an airplane. d) On an airplane for a two-week stay, I flew to my grandmother's house last summer. 6) Which sentence is written correctly? a) He doesn't give me stamps, but he will trade them with me. b) He will trade them with me, and he doesn't give me stamps. c) He doesn't give me stamps, or he will trade them with me. d) The sentences are written correctly. 7) Which sentence is written correctly? a) Before you acquire your tadpoles from a store or pond, but you have to set up a habitat. b) Before you acquire your tadpoles from a store or pond, you have to set up a habitat. c) Before you acquire your tadpoles from a store or pond, meanwhile you have to set up a habitat. d) The sentences are written correctly. 8) Which sentence is written correctly? a) Ariel is a siamese cat, just like the cats in the Disney movie The lady and the tramp. b) Ariel is a siamese cat, just like the cats in the disney movie The Lady and The Tramp. c) Ariel is a Siamese cat, just like the cats in the Disney movie The Lady and the Tramp. d) Ariel is a Siamese Cat, just like the cats in the disney movie The Lady and The Tramp.
Revision and Editing Attack
4th Grade
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