safe - No one can hurt you. It's a ___ place. , poor - He couldn't even buy food or clothes. He was so ___ !, cheap - This toy costs only 1 dollar! It's so ___ ! , quiet - You must be very ___ in a library. , weak - I'm too ___ to move the fridge., dangerous - This snake is very ___ , it's bite can kill you., ugly - Some people think that wearing socks with sandals is ___ ___, boring - Five maths lessons today. Oh God, it's so ___., rich - Jessica has got six cars. She is very ___ lady. , expensive - The last iPhone model is too___, your parents won't buy it for you., noisy - Small kids like running around and shouting, they're so ___ ., strong - This superhero is so___, that he can throw a lorry in the air., wonderful - Your picture is ___ ! We will stick it to the wall so that everyone can see it.,

Adjectives Crossword


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