1) What is the official name of the country? a) Great Britain b) The United Kingdom c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland d) The UK 2) How many parts does Great Britain consist of? a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 3) What parts does Great Britain consist of? a) England, Scotland, Wales, b) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland c) England, Northern Ireland, Scotland d) Ireland, Wales, Scotland 4) What is the capital of England? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Belfast 5) What is the capital of Scotland? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Belfast 6) What is the capital of Northern Ireland? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Belfast 7) What is the capital of Wales? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Belfast 8) How many people do live in the UK? a) 56 b) 65 c) 49 d) 37 9) What is the official language of the country? a) American b) Irish c) Welsh d) English 10) What is this? a) Titanic b) Stonehenge c) Loch Ness d) Bagpipe 11) Where is Stonehenge? a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Nothern Ireland 12) What is this? a) Bagpipe b) Stonehenge c) Titanic d) Loch Ness 13) What sport do people play in Wales? a) football b) baseball c) rugby d) badminton 14) Where were the Beatles from? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Liverpool d) Belfast 15) Where was W.Shakespeare from? a) London b) Edinburgh c) Liverpool d) Stratford-upon-Avon

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