prohibition - 18th Amendment - Constitutional ban on alcohol from 1920-1933., flappers - Young women in the 1920s who rebelled against societies rules. They wore short dresses and listened to jazz music., assembly line - A manufacturing process that uses stations to progressively build a product. , Harlem Renaissance  - intellectual, social, and artistic explosion for African Americans centered in Harlem, New York City, spanning the 1920s., The Great Migration - The movement of 6 million African Americans out of the southern United States to different parts of the country (1917-1970). , American Indian Citizen Act (1924) - Any Native Americans born in the United States are given citizenship (1927), eugenics - The control and manipulation of genetics within a population to create better people. Was used against minorities to show they were inferior. , Red Scare - The idea, and propaganda, that Communism was "scary" for the American people. , Social Darwinism - A theory/idea that used natural selection (the strongest people survive), to understand why some people were rich and others remained "stupid" and poor. , Scopes Monkey Trial - Court case that tried evolution against the bible. John Scopes, a Tennessee teacher got in trouble for teaching evolution in school.  , "Return to Normalcy" - President Harding's slogan for the 1920 election. He argued for a return to American life prior to WW1. , Palmer Raids - Over 4000 suspected terrorists were rounded up without warrants due to several bombings of judges & government officials. Over 600 were later deported. , Sacco & Vanzetti Case - Italian immigrants who were convicted & executed for a murder. Many believed they were targeted because of their political beliefs & immigrant status., 1920s Economics - high tarrifs, lower taxes on the wealthy & businesses, anti trust laws & regulations were not enforced., Teapot Dome Scandal - Hardings cabinet members leased out oil rich government property in Wyoming to private individuals for bribes. , Warren Harding - President 1921-1923 - His Return to Normal POlicy wanted to return the US to the peacetime policies of before WWI, Calvin Coolidge - President 1923-1929 - He believed in big business and is credited with the business expansion of the 20s, Herbert Hoover - President 1929-1933 - He was the President when the Great Depression started. Believed in Rugged Individualism to solve the Depression, buying on credit - many consumers bought goods that they made payments on. This increased debt. , Uneven Prosperity - The rich get richer, the poor get poorer., Speculation - taking a risk at buying something at a low price and selling it at a higher price to make a profit later, William Jennings Bryan - represented the state of Tennessee in the Scopes Monkey trial and testified as the bible expert, Clarence Darrow - represented the teacher in the Scopes Monkey Trial. He argued that evolution should be taught in schools, Immigration Acts of 1921, 1924 & 1929 - goal was to limit immigration to the US. They established quotas based on ethnicity & kept immigrants from Southern & eastern Europe out., Tin Pan Alley - song writing & musical section of New York City, Lost Generation - writers of the 1920s who rejected material wealth, like F Scott Fitzgerald, Langston Hughes - Accomplished African American writer who expressed pride in his heritage, Zora Neale Hurston - published Their Eyes Watching God. One of the 1st successful African American women authors, Jazz Age - another name for the 1920s that reflects this form of African American music, Charles Lindbergh - 1st person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean ,

The Roaring Twenties


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