Mesopotamia: Tigris & Euphrates Rivers, City-States ruled by kings, Hammurabi's code - 1st written laws, ziggurats, Sumerians, Babylonians, Invented the wheel, Today's Iraq, Ancient China: Yangantze & Yellow Rivers, Great Wall, Silk Road, Confuciousism, Mandate of Heaven, Dynasties, Ancient India: Indus River, Had indoor plumbing, Harrappa, Mohenjo-Daro, North Himilayans & South Indian Ocean, Caste, Polytheistic - Shiva, Ancient Egypt: Nile River, Theocracy - Pharoahs, Hieroglyphics, Polytheistic- ex Aman Ra, Black silt crucial to crops, Mayans: Terrace Farming, 365 day calendar, Temples for sacrafices, Polytheistic - Nature, Stepped Pyramids, Central America,

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