1) When I am upset at school I should ... a) hit a friend b) find a safe space to calm down c) yell at my teacher 2) When I feel frustrated at school I should... a) request a break b) leave the classroom c) rip up my classwork 3) When I do not get picked to play with a classmate at recess I should.. a) say I hate you b) Ask to play with someone else c) hit my friends 4) When a classmate makes me upset I should... a) tell them how they made you feel b) yell at them c) hit them 5) When my teacher tells me to raise my hand quietly I should... a) yell at them b) walk out of class c) raise my hand quietly 6) When I am frustrated with my classwork because it is challenging I should... a) rip up my paper b) raise my hand for help c) cry and yell 7) If I am in the red zone at school I should.. a) using my coping skills to calm down b) scream and cry c) leave the classroom 8) When I am in the blue zone at school I should... a) ask to take a break b) put my head down c) not complete my school work 9) When I am asked to follow the rules at school I should... a) yell and scream b) say inappropriate things c) follow the directions 10) When I am on Zoom with my class I should... a) say inappropriate things and un-mute my mic b) raise your virtual hand and wait to be called on c) yell at the teachers 11) When I am loosing in a game I should.... a) scream and cry b) say inappropriate words c) brush it off and enjoy the game 12) When I need help in school I should... a) raise my hand and ask for help b) scream I hate school this is too hard c) yell at my teachers

Expected or Unexpected Behavior


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