"She is a scaredy-cat" - A person who is easily frightened., "He’s the life and soul of the party" - Fun and lively at social events, "He’s a scatterbrain" - A person who forgets things easily, is disorganized, can't think clearly, concentrate and does not think seriously about things., "He’s a handful" - Difficult to control, "He’s a quitter" - Gives up easily, "He’s a night owl" - Goes to bed extremely late, "He’s a smarty-pants" - Someone who talks, behaves and/or pretends as if they are smart and/or who knows everything., "She is the salt of the earth" - A person who is decent, dependable, and unpretentious. Good and honest, you can always depend on, "He’s a pain in the neck" - A person or thing that is very annoying., "His heart is in the right place" - A person who is honest, kind, and sincere even though sometimes they do wrong, "He’s a litterbug" - Drops rubbish in public places, "She is an early bird" - A person who rises, gets up early in the morning, arrives before others, or acts before the usual or expected time., "He’s a slob" - Lazy and untidy, messy, or even unattractive, "He’s a cheapskate" - Doesn´t like to give or spend money., "He’s a stick in the mud" - A person who is old-fashioned, too serious, unwilling to try anything new or do anything exciting., "He’s a high-flyer" - A person who has the desire and the ability to be highly successful in their job or studies, "He's a windbag" - A person who talks too much, and does not say anything important or interesting, "He’s as stubborn as a mule" - A person who is determined to do what they want and unwilling to change their mind, "He's a busybody" - A person who is nosy, meddling, someone who is too interested in what other people do., "He's a real know-all" - A person who behaves as if they know everything, someone who refuses to accept advice, suggestions, or information from others., "They are a trouble-maker" - People who often cause troubles., "He is a cold fish" - Someone who shows no emotion and comes across as unfriendly or disinterested., "He's a couch potato" - A person who lives a sedentary lifestyle mostly watching TV, does not exercise or have hobbies, a lazy, inactive person, "He's an awkward costumer" - A person, group or thing that causes problem, usually because they won’t behave. Hard to deal with., "She is a bit of a loner" - A person who is often alone or who prefers to be alone rather than with other people,
Describing people with slangs - Terms + Definitions
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