Slave States / Free States - Individual states & their representatives in Congress either supported slavery or were free states.. , Cotton Cash Crop - Expansion of cotton planting in the South & West by slave labor. , Plantations - Large farms that specialized in growing cash crops through the use of slave labor., The Missouri Compromise of 1820 - Missouri slave state & Maine free state helps maintain a 12 to 12 balance in the Senate. Slavery outlawed above 36 parallel to the West., Wilmot - Proviso of 1846 - Bill introduced to ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico in the U.S. - Mexican War. Passed by House of Reps & blocked by Senate., The Compromise of 1850 - The South allows California to enter as a free state giving the North control of the Senate in exchange for the Fugitive Slave Act. , Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 - All states had to return runaway slaves caught in the North to the South. , Popular Sovereignty - Government power comes from the people. People in the West are allowed to vote on the issue of slavery. , Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 - Dred Scott sues for freedom but Supreme Court decides Blacks are not citizens but property. Missouri Compromise line unconstitutional.  , Underground Railroad - A network of secret routes & safe houses used by slaves to escape into free states & Canada., Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 - Law allowed Western territories to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty & a vote., Anti-Slavery Forces - Citizens who moved to Kansas to vote against slavery & often used violence against the Pro-slavery voters. , Pro-Slavery Forces - Citizens who moved to Kansas to vote for slavery & often used violence against Anti-slavery voters.  , North - Free states whose members in the House of Representatives and Senate who usually voted against slavery. , South  - Slave states whose members in the House of Representatives and Senate who usually voted to protect slavery., West - Territories West of the Mississippi River with growing populations that had to decide on the issue of slavery., Election of Lincoln 1860 - Free states controlled the House of Reps & the Senate; the election of Lincoln was against the spread of slavery to the West. , Secession / Secede - Withdrawal of 11 slave states from the Union during 1860–61 following the election of Abraham Lincoln as president., State's Rights - Belief that the 10th Amendment gave states political powers to overrule the federal government's powers., Tenth Amendment - The powers not given to the federal government in the Constitution can be assumed by the state governments. ,

Unit #8: 8th Grade U.S. History- Sectionalism and Causes of the Civil War


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