January - It's before February., May - School finishes in this month., February - It has only 28 days., July - It's after June., December - It's the last month of the year., October - It's the tenth month of the year., April - It's the fourth month of the year., June - Summer starts in this month., September - School starts in this month., March - It's between February and April., August - It's the third month of summer., November - It's the last month of autumn.,

What month is it?



Αντιστοίχιση είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.

Οπτικό στυλ


Αλλαγή προτύπου

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