classification - A way of grouping things based on similar characteristics., classification key - A series of questions about the organism's physical characteristics., living - Alive now or once was alive. Has all of the 7 characteristics from MRS GREN, non-living - Not alive now and never was alive. Does not possess all of the 7 MRS GREN characteristics e.g. fire., vertebrate - Living things with a backbone e.g. dogs, fish and humans., invertebrate - Living things without a backbone e.g. fly, spider, jellyfish., amphibian - Cold-blooded vertebrate animals (e.g. frogs and toads) that have gills and live in water as young but breathe air as adults., bird - Warm-blooded, egg-laying animals that have vertebrae, or a backbone. They are different from mammals because they lay hard-shelled eggs and have feathers., fish - An animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing., reptile - A cold-blooded animal (as a snake, lizard, turtle, or alligator) that breathes air and usually has the skin covered with scales or bony plates., mammal - An animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and grows hair at some point during its life. In addition, all females have glands that can produce milk., environment - All of the conditions that affect a living thing, organism - A living thing made up of one or more cells and able to carry on the activities of life (e.g. using energy, growing, or reproducing)., characteristic - Any feature that helps identify something.,
Year 6 Living Things - Key Vocabulary
Living things
Επεξεργασία περιεχομένου
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
Εμφάνιση λιγότερων
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι ιδιωτικός. Κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή
για να τον δημοσιοποιήσετε.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης έχει απενεργοποιηθεί από τον κάτοχό του.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι απενεργοποιημένος, καθώς οι επιλογές σας είναι διαφορετικές από τον κάτοχό του.
Επαναφορά επιλογών
Βρες το ταίρι
είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.
Απαιτείται σύνδεση
Οπτικό στυλ
Απαιτείται συνδρομή
Αλλαγή προτύπου
Εμφάνιση όλων
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