1) What are your best personality traits? 2) What is your biggest flaw? 3) How are male and female personalities different? 4) Do you think people fall in love with good looks or with a great personality? 5) Is your character similar to your mother or father’s character? Why? 6) Are you influenced by people you know? Give an example. 7) What are some characteristics of your personality? 8) What is your star sign? What does it say about you? 9) Do you think some people are all good or all bad? How about Mother Teresa? How about Adolf Hitler? 10) If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be? 11) What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend? 12) Can people change their personality if they want to? 13) In what way has your personality changed ? Why has it changed? 14) Are you happy with your personality ?

1. Personal qualities discussion



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