1) Chicken Kiev is pretty ___. It takes a lot to chew it, though. a) standard b) normal 2) I must have eaten tons of Olivier salad. It’s the most ____ salad you can think of. a) principal b) traditional 3) It doesn’t taste ____ . It’s just not something I’d actively be like/likely, oh, I want this.  a) bad b) worst 4) Dressed herring is the ____ dinner you could possibly have. a) force b) worst 5) Pickled tomatoes have a ___ aftertaste in the back of your mouth. a) nasty b) tasty 6) I don’t see myself eating dressed herring. It's a hard/heart pass for me. a) hard b) heart 7) Caviar is an acquired taste. You have to ____ the mood for it. a) be in b) have 8) You can eat ___ of it without getting sick. a) a lot b) a load

Quiz: choose the best fitting word


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