bigoted - Brian is so prejudiced against black people. He should stop being so ___., blunt - Alex is a nice person but he is extremely honest with people and hates to lie. I think he is too ___., callous - Mary seems ___ to me as she showed no reaction while watching this heartbreaking moment from the film., cynical - Fiona doesn’t believe that people can be kind and generous. She thinks they all are looking for benefit. She is so ___., determined - Maria is so ___ to be a doctor that nothing can change her mind., fussy - Betty always worries about small details and unimportant things. She is too ___ sometimes., illiterate - Lily’s grandma was too poor to go to school when she was a child. She is still ___ now., undecisive - James should have decided it month ago. He can’t make a decision. He is so ___ person., naive - Beth still believes in Santa Claus despite of her friends’ arguments. She is so ___., superstitious - Eddie is afraid that a black cat may cross the road near him and it will bring bad luck. He is ___., embarrassed - Angela heard Michael’s joke about her. Now Michael is ___., anxious - Nancy is going to pass her exam tomorrow and she is worried. She is ___., humiliated - Cindi is sad. She was ___ because the teacher criticized her pink hair and piercing in front of the school., furious - Dina was ____ when she found out that her mom was reading her diary., annoyed - Mike and Jim are roommates. Jim is ___ because Mike cleans the room rarely., resentful - The boss was rude to Pamela and he yelled at her. Now Pamela is angry and ___ because of his words.,

Adjectives (emotions and feelings)


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