1) When there is too little rain in an area, we call it a ______________. Plants and animals struggle to stay alive when there isn't enough water. a) drought b) flood c) hurricane 2) A __________ starts over the water then hits land. Flooding, high winds and rain may damage buildings and put people at risk. a) tsumani b) hurricane c) drought 3) A _________ can damage homes, barns, cars and hurt people. The strong winds destroy everything in its path. a) hurricane b) flood c) tornado 4) A ____________ can cause heavy rain, loud thunder, dangerous lightning and may cause the electricity to go out. a) tornado b) thunderstorm c) tsunami 5) A big wave called a _________ crashes onto the land and causes flooding. It also takes things back into the water. a) hurricane b) tsunami c) volcanic eruption 6) People and animals can get frostbite or hurt during a _______. This storm is really snowy, cold, icy and and dangerous. a) wildfire b) hurricane c) blizzard 7) Hot lava, gas, and ash shoot or pour out of a ___________ during an eruption. It ruins the land and everything around it. a) volcano b) tsunami c) blizzard 8) The __________ damages homes, farms, and cars. It also put people and animals in danger.  a) flood b) volcanic eruption c) tornado 9) The ___________ is dangerous because moving snow and rocks quickly crash down a hill.  a) tornado b) avalanche c) blizzard 10) The ____________ caused the earth to shake and destroyed the street. a) hurricane b) flood c) earthquake 11) A natural disaster is a) dangerous b) safe 12) During a ________, people and animals can get burned and loose land to fire. Animals need to find a new home. a) flood b) thunderstorm c) wildfire 13) What should I do in case of a wildfire? a) stay put b) follow directions of evacuations immediately c) start running 14) Where is the safest place to be in case of a flood? a) near a river b) low area c) top of a big hill or mountain 15) Where is the safest place to be in a tornado? a) interior room, bathroom closet, basement b) outside watching for it c) playing at the partk 16) I hear thunder and see lightning. What should I do? a) continue to play at the park b) go inside a building or car c) go to an open field 17) It's an earthquake...the ground is shaking. What should I do? a) go under a sturdy table, go to an open area b) stand in an open room c) scream and holler

Natural Disaster Damage


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