Correct: The EXOSPHERE is the outermost layer., The THERMOSPHERE is the hottest layer., The MESOSPHERE is the middle layer., The STRATOSPHERE contains the ozone layer., The TROPOSPHERE is the closest to Earth's surface., Jets fly in the STRATOSPHERE., We live in the TROPOSPHERE., Earth’s atmosphere is the envelope of gases that surround the planet., The density of the Earth's atmosphere DECREASES as you go up., The STRATOSPHERE absorbs UV light., Incorrect: THERMO means middle., MESO means hottest., TROPO means layer., EXO means inside., The MESOSPHERE is where weather occurs., Satellites can be found in the EXOSPHERE., The moon and sun can be found in the TROPOSPHERE., There is no water vapor in the atmosphere., Clouds form in the MESOSPHERE., Spaceships can be found in the STRATOSPHERE.,

Atmosphere Review -Whack-A-Mole


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