I have such a headache. I know the painkillers will WEAR OFF after a couple of hours, though. - to gradually disappear or stop working, You've LET me DOWN too often and I will not trust you. - to disappoint, The game brings something new to the market. I wonder if it will ever CATCH ON with young people. - to become popular, Did the TV play LIVE UP TO your expectations? - to be as good as expected, You should definitely STAND UP FOR the rights of minorities. - to support something, I don't feel like cooking tonight. Should we EAT OUT somewhere? - to have a meal in a restaurant, Please, DROP IN if you happen to be in my neighborhood. I'd love you see you again!! - to pay an informal visit to a person or a place, That's a secret I am sure we will very soon FIND OUT about. - to discover, to become aware of something, I do not FEEL UP TO getting up from the sofa let alone go out to a party. Let me be! - to have the strength and energy to do or deal with something, A: This is difficult. Let's ask the professor and see what she MAKES OUT of this impossible equation. - to see, hear or understand something, B: Yeah, you're right. I'm sure she will be able to WORK it OUT in no time! - to solve a problem, We have RUN OUT OF milk. Are you going to the store any time soon? - to come to an end, to have no more, I'm not feeling well. I feel very dizzy. I think I'm going to PASS OUT. - to faint, to lose consciousness, A: For the 3rd time this week my meeting has been CALLED OFF. I can't work like this! - to cancel, B: GROW UP already! People have problems just like you and me. The world does not spin around you, you know? - to become an adult,

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