1) Choose the correct variant: a) We couldn’t never work with nobody like that. b) We couldn’t ever work with anybody like that. 2) Choose the correct variant: a) He never says anything interesting to anyone. b) He never says nothing interesting to no one.We couldn’t ever work with anybody like that. 3) Choose the correct variant: a) I miss not seeing him every day. b) I miss seeing him every day. 4) Choose two variants: a) The waitress wasn't doing nothing but standing around smoking. b) The waitress wasn't doing anything but standing around smoking. c) The waitress was doing nothing but standing around smoking. 5) Choose two variants: a) The shopper did not have any energy left at the end of the day. b) The shopper did not have no energy left at the end of the day. c) The shopper had no energy left at the end of the day.

Extra Lesson. Double Negatives


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