1) I like to read books. a) to write b) to lose c) to read d) to put 2) Use a pencil to write. a) to have b) to write c) to read d) to put 3) Mrs. A said to use a ruler. a) to lose b) to use c) to keep d) to erase 4) Students are to have their backpacks daily. a) to erase b) to zip c) to see d) to have 5) Use your eraser to erase. a) to write b) to erase c) to pack d) to read 6) The homework folder is to keep your homework in. a) to take b) to keep c) to have d) to use 7) Use your pencil case to put your pencils in. a) to put b) to take c) to erase d) to pack 8) Students don't want to lose their work. a) to pack b) to take c) to erase d) to lose 9) Use your glasses to see. a) to use b) to zip c) to put d) to see 10) The bell is ringing, you need to pack up. a) to erase b) to lose c) to see d) to pack 11) Use the zipper to zip up your backpack. a) to erase b) to pack c) to zip d) to use 12) Don't forget to take your calculator to math class. a) to take b) to see c) to keep d) to lose

Backpack Verb Practice "To" Find the verb phrase for each sentence.



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