Interviewing techniques - Standard format and therapeutic communication, Two type of assessment data - subjective and objective, Therapeutic interviewing Elements - clients preferred name, introduce self, non-medical terms, interpreter, Examination sequence - Inspecting-palpating-percussion-auscultation, Objective data - Physical exam and diagnostic tests, Subjective data - Health history, Expected findings for lymph node - Nontender, nonpalpable, expected finding for thyroid - nonvisible, , Snellen chart - Visual acuity at 20ft, Extra ocular movement - tests CN II, III, V, Ishihara test - test Color blindness, Rosenbaum chart - visual acuity at 14 inch. , Rennes test normal findings - AC>BC; 2:1, Weber test  normal findings - Place Turning fork on top of the head-equal both ears., Sinuses expected findings - Nontender, Changes with aging - decreased hearing, smell, taste, saliva, Expected lung sounds - bronchial, bronchovesicular, vesicular , Gallops - Extra heart sounds, Murmurs - heard when Blood vol is high or low, S1 sound - lub, S2 sound - dub, Blumberg’s sign - Rebound tenderness, Pallor - Loss of color-anemia , Cyanosis  - bluish color-hypoxia, Jaundice - yellowish skin-liver damage,

Health assessment findings


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