1) .... is a banana. a) This b) That c) These 2) .... is an apple. a) This b) That c) These 3) ... are oranges. a) Those b) That c) These 4) ... are lemons. a) This b) Those c) These 5) ... is a pineapple. a) This b) That c) These 6) .... are strawberries. a) This b) That c) Those 7) .... is a dolphin. a) This b) That c) Those 8) ... are birds. a) This b) That c) Those 9) What's this? a) cupboard b) CD player c) picture 10) What's this? a) classroom b) drawers c) table 11) What's this? a) pencil case b) peg c) computer 12) What's this? a) picture b) board c) peg 13) What's this? a) pencil case b) board c) poster 14) poster a) b) c) 15) peg a) b) c) 16) pencil case a) b) c) 17) table a) b) c) 18) __ at a) h b) b 19) __ ite a) c b) k 20) __ eddy a) d b) t 21) __ range a) o b) a 22) __ en a) b b) p 23) __ mbrella a) i b) u

Open the box Unit 1 F/F2


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