breakdown glycogen to glucose - Glycogenolysis means to ___, create fat - Lipogenesis means to ___, create glycogen - Glycogenesis means to ____, Create glucose from non-carbohydrate substances - Gluconeogenesis means to, No oxygen used - Why doesn’t anaerobic glycolysis take place in the mitochondria?, “Incomplete” breakdown of glucose - What results in the formation of lactic acid?, Glycogenesis - Formation of Glycogen from sugar (Storage of glucose), Gluconeogenesis - Making “new” glucose from other substrate, Glycogenolysis - Glycogen converted back to glucose when needed, two - How many ATP are used in the energy investment phase?, four - How many ATP are resynthesized in the Energy Harvest phase?, 2 - What is the net ATP in anaerobic glycolysis -substrate level phosphorylation?, 1,2,2 - Net input of anaerobic glycolysis is _ glucose, _ ADP, _ NAD, 2,2,2 - Net output of anaerobic glycolysis is _ pyruvate or lactate, _ATP, _ NADH, Hydrogen Shuttle - NAD +, carried/shuttled - Hydrogen are __ by NAD+, Pyruvic acid to form lactic acid - NADH + H+ are transferred to, LDH - Pyruvic Acid --> Lactic Acid is catalyzed by, PFK - Rate limiting enzyme, decrease - increase ATP= __ PFK acticty, increase - increase PFK activity=__glycolysis rate, LEO - oxidation reaction, GER - reduction reaction, reduce - Pyruvic acid is ___ to Lactic AcidC, oxidize - Lactic Acid is ___ to Pyruvic Acid, reduced - NAD+ is __ to NADH, oxidized - NADH is __ to NAD+, reversible - Pyruvic acid to lactic acid is __,

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