1) what is the name of the people that came to death valley 1,000 years ago a) Timbisha Shoshone b) teembisha shosshskolson c) e d) Tembhjcgtyure Shasonshonn 2) in what year did the pioneers come from the east a) 1894 b) 1849 c) 20045 d) 1945 3) how long did the pioneers spend crossing the desert in nevada a) 2 months b) 18 years c) 1 second d) 2 seconds 4) why did the pioneers kill the oxen a) they were hungy b) they were angry c) they wqanted to sacrifice d) they were happy 5) what were the treasures the timbisha shoshone people found a) gold and silver b) coal c) diamonds and gold d) rocks


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