Rotator cuff - The ___ muscles stabilize the pectoral girdle & help in arm & shoulder movement., Mesoderm - Bone forms from the ___ germ layer during embryonic development., Arches - The ___ of the foot distribute body weight over the foot & once weight is lifted, they spring back., Opposition - ___ allows us to grasp objects as the thumb moves across the palm to touch the tips of digits., Arcuate line - The ___ is a thick bony line that transfers the weight of the body to the acetabulum & consequently, the femur., Bursae - ___ are filled with fluid & reduce friction in joints where there is contact between tendon, skin or ligament with bone., Synovial fluid - ___ is secreted by the synovial membrane in synovial joints to lubricate the joint & provide shock absorption., Clavicle - The ___ is the only bony connection from the arm to the axial skeleton; breaking it would make it impossible to move the shoulder., Flatfoot - ___occurs when the lateral & medial longitudinal & transverse arches weaken or never form & the patient experiences mechanical stress up through the ankles, knees, hips, & vertebral column., Ball-and-socket - The ___ synovial joint allows for the most movement.,

BIOL 67A SI Session 10/13 Warm-Up



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