Differentiate between the three types of control of effector responses made possible by dual innervation., What makes the autonomic efference pathway different from the somatic efference pathway?, What is another name for the SNS and why? What is another name for the PSNS and why?, Based on what you know about the previous question, how does axon length differ between the SNS and PSNS? How will this influence function?, From pre-, to post-, to effector, describe the neurotransmitters and receptors present in the SNS and PSNS., Describe the mechanisms behind adrenergic and cholinergic receptors., What are the ways in which acetylcholine can be “turned off”?, What are the terminal ganglia of the PSNS and why are they important. Be sure to list all five and their function., SNS from the chain or paravertebral ganglia, what are the four possible synapses that can occur?, In the SNS, differentiate between the paravertebral ganglia (sympathetic chain ganglia) and the prevertebral ganglia (collateral ganglia). Be sure to list the three prevertebral ganglia., Why is the adrenal medulla so relevant to the SNS? What allows the preganglionic axons to reach it? What is the other name that the SNS has?, Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic control of effectors in regard to ANS control..

BIOL 67A SI Session 11/29



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