1) Choose the one that is NOT a British Value? a) Democracy b) Radicalisation c) Rule of Law d) Respect e) Tolerance f) Individual Liberty 2) Choose the four countries that make up the United Kingdom a) Wales b) Scotland c) Northern Ireland d) Southern Ireland e) England f) France 3) Choose the legal phrase that means somebody attacks somebody else verbally/physically due to race, ability, sexuality or beliefs a) Rude person b) Verbal abuse c) Hate crime d) Crime against humanity e) Big Thug 4) Resilience is.... a) Being strong against negative behaviour b) Fighting back c) Extremism d) Avoiding talking about hate 5) Choose the best description of democracy. Democracy is................... a) A system of government voted for by the public b) A country governed by a dictator c) People can say what they want about any topi d) Where people are free to do what they want 6) Choose the word that describes someone's behaviour when they have extreme ideas about politics, religion, violence  a) Ethnicity b) Radicalisation c) Extremism d) Democracy 7) The process by which an individual develops an extreme ideology is called: a) Radicalisation b) Ideology c) Terrorism d) Discrimination 8) Research shows that extremism is more likely to flourish in.... a) Mixed ethnicity communities b) Large communities c) Areas where different groups are mixed together d) Societies that are isolated from others 9) Last one! How well do you think you have done today? a) I don't understand it at all. b) Some of the vocabulary is a bit foggy but I get the gist of it c) I knew about Prevent and have deepened my knowledge d) I think I'm ready for a discussion using some of these terms.


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