Marco is doing a addition and subtraction sheet in math class. He keeps mixing the + and the - signs and getting the wrong answer. He thinks, "I'm so stupid. I just can't do math!", Zoe is working on her art project and accidentally drips paint on it. She thinks, "Now my project is ruined!", Wes's basketball team comes in 3rd place during the tournament. He really wanted to win and get a trophy. He thinks, "Well at least we did better than last year." , John was looking forward to playing a game in gym all week. When he gets to gym there is a substitute teacher and they are doing something else. John gets angry and says, "This stinks! My whole day is ruined now." , Sasha is playing UNO with some friends during recess. She keeps getting +4 cards! Sasha laughs and thinks, "Well I guess this isn't my lucky day and smiles.", Jacob raises his hand to volunteer to be the teacher helper in class, but the teacher picks someone else instead. "He thinks, "I never get picked! Ever! I hate this." , Mom says, after school we are going for ice-cream, but when you get home mom is not feeling well. She says, "I'm sorry we can't go for ice-cream today. " You are disappointed, but say well maybe we can go next week." , Ellie asks Kara and Mya to play basketball at recess. They say say they want to play tag instead. "Nobody likes me! " Kara thinks to herself..

Inner Coach vs Inner Critic



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