social - living together in organized communities, solitary - living alone or in pairs, antennae - feelers on the heads of insects, exoskeleton - the hard body coverings of insects, microscopic - very small, molt - to shed old feathers, hair, skin, or shells, making way for new growth, cooperate - to work together for the good of everyone, pollen - a powder produced by flowers that must be transported from flower to flower for new flower seeds to grow , destructive - causing a large amount of damage or harm, bioluminescence - light given off by some plants and animals, such as fireflies, caused by a biochemical reaction , entomologist - a person who studies insects, foe - enemy or opponent, host - an animal or plant on which or in which another living thing lives, transparent - you can see through it, metamorphosis - the change an insect goes through from egg, to larva, to pupa, to adult,

Insects Vocabulary


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