1) Writing system of Mesopotamia a) Ziggurat b) Cuneiform c) Hieroglyphics d) Sanskrit 2) Government ruled by a King or Queen a) Monarchy b) City-state c) Theocracy d) Sanskrit 3) Buildings that were city-centers for religious or economic purposes a) Ziggurat b) City-state c) Temple d) Sanskrit 4) A way to divert rivers to water crops a) Irrigation b) Shadoof c) Monarchy d) Ziggurat 5) a city and the surrounding land it controlled a) City-state b) Irrigation c) Monarchy d) Ziggurat 6) An Indian Prince a) Raja b) Caste c) monsoon d) subcontinent 7) An ancient language of India a) subcontinent b) Cuneiform c) Sanskrit d) raja 8) A seasonal wind a) monsoon b) Cuneiform c) caste d) raja 9) The class or distinct hereditary order into which a Hindu is assigned according to religious law. a) Subcontinent b) Cuneiform c) caste d) raja 10) A large landmass that is smaller than a continent a) subcontinent b) Continent c) Hemisphere d) caste 11) God-kings; ruler of ancient Egypt a) Hieroglyphics b) Delta c) Hemisphere d) Theocracy e) Pharaoh 12) Government rule is based on religious authority a) Hieroglyphics b) Delta c) Hemisphere d) Theocracy e) Pharaoh 13) Government rule is based on religious authority a) Hieroglyphics b) Delta c) Hemisphere d) Theocracy e) Pharaoh 14) Fertile soil left behind by the flooding of the Nile River a) Silt b) Delta c) Hemisphere d) Theocracy 15) Which of these was a result of the Nile River's flooding? a) The farmers developed new tools to make their jobs easier. b) The farmers moved to the desert. c) The farmers started moving their fields farther away from the banks of the Nile. d) The farmers used geometry to calculate where their boundary markers should be. 16) The Nile River—the longest river in the world-is____ miles long, a) 6,437 b) 4,132 c) 1,046 d) 650 17) The Nile River—the longest river in the world-is____ miles long, a) 6,437 b) 4,132 c) 1,046 d) 650 18) What type of land bordered the Nile River in Egypt? a) deserts b) marshes c) mountains d) savannah 19) Monsoon winds bring what type of weather to India a) Rain b) Cold c) Dry d) Drought 20) Which river is extremely polluted but sacred. a) Tigris River b) Euphrates River c) Nile River d) Ganges River 21) The Euphrates and Tigris rivers run in what relationship to each other? a) away from b) parallel to c) towards d) perpendicular to 22) This leader tried to change Egypt's religion, which was based on the worship of many deities. Believed that Egypt's priests had grown too powerful and wealthy. Felt threatened by their power. Started a new religion, Introduced the worship of Aton the sun god, as Egypt's only god. a) Amenhotep IV b) Hammurabi c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III 23) This person was a strong leader and general who expanded Egypt's control north to the Euphrates River into Mesopotamia. His troops also moved south far up the Nile and conquered Nubia, which had once thrown off Egyptian rule. His armies captured nearly 350 cities. a) Amenhotep IV b) Hammurabi c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III 24) This leader is recognized as a fair and just ruler. Babylonian king who is known for creating a strict set of laws. This set of laws that were posted throughout the city-states for all citizen to read. This set of laws helped reduce violence and bloodshed, This set of laws helped protect woman in a time where woman had few rights. a) Amenhotep IV b) Hammurabi c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III 25) Ruled for 66 years. In that time, conquered the region of Canaan and moved north into Syria. To get this territory, fought the Hittites, who lived in present-day Turkey. After many battles, this pharaoh and the Hittite king signed a peace treaty. a) Amenhotep IV b) Hammurabi c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III 26) This leader was more interested in promoting trade than starting wars. Made great efforts to restore trade relations that had been interrupted by the Hyksos invasion. a) Amenhotep IV b) Hatshepsut c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III 27) The king of the New Babylonian Empire. He created the beautiful Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his wife, a) Amenhotep IV b) Hatshepsut c) Ramses II d) Nebuchadnezzar e) Tutankhamen f) Thutmose III

River Valley Study Guide: Part 1



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