1) On her mother suggesting marriage to Paris: "It is an --------- I dream not of" a) honour b) pleasure 2) On learning that Romeo is a Montague: "My only ------- sprung from my only hate"! a) dream b) love 3) "Oh Romeo, Romeo, -------------- art thou Romeo?" a) wherefore b) why 4) About Romeo: "A rose by other name would ------- as sweet." a) smell b) be 5) Pledging her love to Romeo: "My bounty is as ------------- as the sea" a) huge b) boundless 6) "Be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a ----------" a) Capulet b) woman 7) On hearing Romeo has killed Tybalt: "O serpent heart hid with a flowering ----" a) face b) head 8) "O happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust and let me -------" a) live b) die

Romeo and Juliet- Key Quotations for Juliet


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