NBA PACK IRL CARDS SHUFFLE, Must be a player that has played 5+ years, NO 3s (draft a player who cant shoot) , Wheel of nba teams , the player must have an odd number, even number jersey , player has to be international , drafted in the 2000s, 2010-2020, must be a role player, player who was drafted outside the lottery, LUCKY GUY! the player who gets this is allowed to spin again. Along with the ability to switch requirements for 1 draft selection. , clutch gene. you have to pick the most clutch player available. , myteam pack opening (pick a player u get from there) , must be from the western conference , must be from the eastern conference, random overall generator(based on the highest overall) , must be smaller then 6'5, must be taller 6'11, 6'6-6'11, must be a free agent from the fantasy league , has to have rebounding as their highest stat , has to have playmaking as there highest stat , 3 has to b the highest stat, the person who went before you picks your player(within reason) , must have 5 badges or less. , must have 5 badges or more, a player who is underrated(the other people can help with deciding this) , must have averaged 20ppg at one point, must have averaged 10 assists at one point(or closest to it) , Must have averaged 10 boards ( closest to it), free pick , free pick , players who scored more then 40, draft a player who has been a 2k legend. If you cant find a player pick again. , mixtape legend , overrated player. , you are only allowed to draft a player that has a nickname you know. , a player who has never been traded , a player who was traded in the last 5 years/just drafted, this player must have a leadership badge. , player must be athletic , must be non athletic , random first name letter generator , random last name letter generator , the person who picks after you gets to pick your position , player must be a fan favorite , hated by the media , highest ovr, players who have played with bron.
NBA DRAFT! (2k fun)
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Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι απενεργοποιημένος, καθώς οι επιλογές σας είναι διαφορετικές από τον κάτοχό του.
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