1) Order of words to create a sentence. a) Subject b) Participial Phrase c) Syntax d) Prepositional Phrase 2) Who or what performs the verb. a) Object b) Subject c) Syntax d) Prepositional Phrase 3) What the subject is or does. a) Participial Phrase b) Verb c) Clause d) Phrase 4) Whoever or whatever receives the action. a) Phrase b) Independent Clause c) Gerund Phrase d) Object 5) Part of a sentence. a) Subject b) Phrase c) Infinitive Phrase d) Syntax 6) Group of words that contains subject and verb. a) Dependent Clause b) Clause c) Object d) Verb 7) Phrase that begins with a preposition. a) Prepositional Phrase b) Dependent Clause c) Phrase d) Infinitive Phrase 8) Phrase that begins with a present or past participle. a) Infinitive Phrase b) Dependent Clause c) Phrase d) Participial Phrase 9) Phrase that uses a present participle as a noun. a) Verb b) Independent Clause c) Prepositional Phrase d) Gerund Phrase 10) Phrase that begins with an infinitive. a) Phrase b) Participial Phrase c) Gerund Phrase d) Infinitive Phrase 11) Clause that expresses a complete thought. a) Phrase b) Infinitive Phrase c) Independent Clause d) Verb 12) Clause that cannot stand alone. a) Dependent Clause b) Gerund Phrase c) Clause d) Participial Phrase

Syntax Definitions


Οπτικό στυλ


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