1) Who Killed Qui-Gon Jin? a) Emperor Palpatine  b) Yoda c) Anakin Skywalker d) Darth Maul 2) Who Did Anakin Skywalker Marry? a) Asoka b) Emperor Palpatine c) Sebula d) Padme 3) Which One Of These Characters Has A Unusual Lightsaber?  a) Count Dooku  b) Darth Maul c) General Griveous d) All of Them 4) Which Two Characters Died In The First Movie?  a) Jar Jar Binks & Qui-Gon Jin b) Darth Maul & Qui-Gon Jin c) Mace Windu & Anakin Skywalker d) None of Them 5) Who Is Closest Friends with Han Solo? a) Chewbaca b) Lando Calresian c) Leia Organa d) Millenium Falcon 6) Where Does Rey Live? a) Jakko b) Jacku c) Jakku d) Jaku 7) How Does Han Solo Get His Spaceship? a) Betting with Lando b) Stole it with Chewy c) Built it himself d) Stole it From Emperials 8) What Does Qui-Gon Jin Do At The Beginning Of The First Movie? a) Train Obi-Wan b) Train Windu c) Help Anikin d) A & C 9) Where Does Jar Jar Binks Take Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon? a) Under Water b) To Space c) To Anakin d) To Fight 10) How Many Times Does Obi-Wan Fight Anakin? a) 3 b) 2 c) 1 d) 0 11) Who Made Star Wars? a) Gorge Lucas b) George Lucas c) george Lucas d) Uncle Lucas 12) How Did Darth Vader Get His Wings For His Tie Fighter? a) Made It That Way b) Nobody Knows c) Nobody Cares d) A X-Wing Crash 13) Who Is My Favorite Droid? a) R2-D2 b) C-3P0 c) C-3PO d) Mouse Driod 14) How Many Questions? a) 13 b) 15 c) 16 d) 14

Star Wars 13 Question Trivia!


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