Dime a dozen - very common and of no particular value - "Sam told her not to worry, jobs like that were ____________.", Beat around the bush - discuss a matter or an idea without coming to the point. "Don't ___________, come straight to the point!", Between a rock and a hard place - faced with two equally undesirable alternatives - "However, doctors are often _______________because patients sometimes pressure doctors for a c-section due to discomfort. , Give someone a taste of their own medicine - give someone the same bad treatment that they have given to others "I’m tired of him always finding faults with me. I’m going to __________.", The elephant in the room - major problem or controversial issue which is obviously present but is avoided as a subject for discussion "Excessive use of pesticides in agriculture is the health minister’s _________________." , Headless chicken - A person, group, etc., engaged in frantic but purposeless activity. He ran around like ________after he missed his flight to the US.,

Common Idioms Part 1


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