Plastics and Trash: Cause: About 7 billion tons of litter is dumped into the ocean each year. About 60% of that litter is made of plastic., Effect: Wildlife gets entrapped in it and dies from starvation., Oil Spills: Cause: Usually happens when an ocean drilling rig springs a leak or is damaged., Effect: Kill large amounts of fish and wildlife other than fish that live in or near the ocean are also poisoned by the waste., Sewage and Runoff: Cause: 80% of pollution in the ocean comes from land-based sources such as runoff and sewage. Natural fertilizers from ranches and pesticides can flow and enter the ocean., Effect: Introduces diseases and unhealthy chemicals like heavy metals and carcinogens into ocean waters., Overfishing: Cause: Likely the biggest threat to marine ecosystems today. Occurs when the quantity of fish harvested from the ocean is greater than the amount that can be re-supplied by growth and reproduction., Effect: Depleting the fish population drastically alters the ocean food chain., Habitat Destruction: Cause: Human construction of beachfront homes, hotels, restaurants, and roads. Trawling nets are dragged across the ocean floor to catch fish., Effect: Destroys the natural habitat of the ocean floor and the habitat of beach-dwelling organisms. Ocean life does not have the resources they need in order to survive., Artificial Reefs: Cause: Human-made underwater structure made out of concrete or limestone, sunken oil rigs, sunken ships, or other construction debris., Effect: Provides ocean animals and plants protection and a place to grow and reproduce.,

Human Dependence on Oceans


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