1) Laissez-faire means a) 'laid back' b) 'let it be' c) 'little effort' 2) What is a SMART goal a) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound b) Specific, Measurable, Acheivable, Realistic and Timebound c) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reachable and Timebound 3) Autocratic leaders... a) Give orders and do not give employees a say b) Give orders a say however make the final decision c) Leave all decisions to employees   4) Democratic leaders... a) Leave all decisions to employees b) Give employees a say however make the final decision c) Doesn't give employees a say 5) Paternalistic leaders... a) Do what's best for the employees b) Does what's best for the business c) Believe profit and objectives are most important 6) Blakes Grid contains - a) 'Concern for People' and 'Concern for resources' b) 'Concern for performance' and 'Concern for profit margin' c) 'Concern for People' and 'Concern for performance d) 'Concern for resources ' and 'Concern for performance' 7) On Blakes Grid, 1,1 shows a) Authority/obedience b) Middle of the road c) Country club d) Impoverished management 8) Paternalistic leaders... a) Treat employees like they are leaders b) Treat employees like Family c) Treat employees like friends 9) On Blakes Grid, 1,9 shows a) Authority/obedience b) Country club c) Middle of the road d) Impoverished management 10) On Blakes Grid, 5,5 shows a) Impoverished management b) Authority/obedience c) Middle of the road d) Country club 11) On Blakes Grid, 9,1 shows a) Middle of the road b) Authority/obedience c) Country club d) Impoverished management


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