Ransack - To search throughout a space without caring if anything breaks, Dysentery - An infection that causes bloody diarrhea and if not treated can lead to death. It was the number one cause of death during the Civil War., Union - The Northern states that stayed a part of the United States during the Civil War., "Crossed his back with knotted hemp" - Whipped him with a rough rope that had knots tied in it., Marauders - People who travel in search of farms and homes to rob and damage., Musket - An old type of gun with a long smooth barrel., Confederacy - The 11 southern states that separated from the United States during the Civil War., "His skin was the color of polished Mahogany" - Mahogany is a tropical tree with wood that is reddish brown. The wood is often used to make furniture., Stockade - A strong fence made of tall posts, used to keep people in or out. A prison for military personnel., Vittles - Food and drinks, "The Sickness" - Some people called slavery, "The Sickness" because they thought being enslaved was like an incredible illness., Outfit - An organized group of soldiers., Lead ball - A round bullet made of lead., Deserter - Someone who leaves a war without permission and does not plan to return., "Go Green" - To get gangrene. Gangrene is dead and rotting flesh caused by an untreated infection. ,

Pink and Say Vocab



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