tailwind - a positive factor that either helps the growth of an economy/country, advent - the arrival of a notable person or thing, incremental - relating to or denoting an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale, akin - having some of the same qualities, incumbent - the person who has or had a particular official position, fever dream - a very strange experience that seems unreal, impossible to happen, table stakes - the minimum entry requirement for a market or business arrangement, buck a trend - To go against the norm or the current stand of the main population; have a differing opinion from the majority., off-the-shelf - used to describe a product that is available immediately and does not need to be specially made to suit a particular purpose, be versed in something - to know a lot about a particular subject or be experienced in a particular skill,



Αντιστοίχιση είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.

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