The AI revolution just ......... up the speed bar for startups. You think you’re moving fast enough. You’re not. - ratcheted, Moments like this only come around every 14 years or so, and it’s a privilege to be here to see it. But most Founders will ........... it: They’ll move too damn slow. - squander, AI won’t fear ......... from its college classmates. It will launch the product. - derision, AI won’t have its ego ..... and cling to a bad idea. - bruised, We were running out of money. Our backs were ..... ..... ...... . I gave up and I did the right thing... - against the wall, But there’s enough on the internet now to educate yourself about this state of mind. Spend some time thinking about the subtle ways that you might be .......... your own success. - hampering, If you have this, you need to be aware of it, and you have to get past it. Have your co-founders .... you out on it. - call,

Vocab (initial context)



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