Fiction - a made up story , Plot - What happens in a story; the sequence of events, Characters - Animals, People, or Objects that take part in a story., Conflict - The problem in the story, Theme - The lesson of the story, Setting - Where and When the story takes place, Direct Characterization - the author tells you the character traits that describe the character, Indirect Characterization - the reader has to come up with their own character traits based on the description of the character (their speech, actions, thoughts), Character vs Self - Internal Conflict - a character struggles to make a decision; mental issue (anxiety, depression, etc), Character vs Character - a character physically fights or argues with another character, Character vs Society - a character goes against the beliefs or values of a large group or government, Character vs Nature - a character tries to survive a natural disaster (flood, hurricane, etc), Exposition - the beginning of the story; introduces the characters and setting, Inciting Event - introduces the main conflict of the story , Rising Action - suspense builds, the protagonist tries to solve the problem but fails, Climax - a main change happens, the protagonist faces the antagonist, Falling Action - the main conflict is beginning to be resolved, Resolution - the main conflict is completely solved; "two days later...", Protagonist - the main character in the story; usually the good guy, Antagonist - the "bad guy" or villain in the story; what causes problems for the protagonist,


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