1) What is the time? a) midday b) quarter past twelve c) three o'clock d) ten past ten 2) What is the time? a) ten past two b) five past twelve c) one o'clock d) five to ten 3) What is the time? a) ten to four b) four o'clock c) ten past twelve d) five past nine 4) What is the time? a) six o'clock b) quarter past six c) quarter to seven d) quarter to six 5) What is the time? 4:45 a) b) c) d) 6) What is the time? a) quarter past two b) quarter past one c) five past nine d) quarter to one 7) What is the time? a) ten past nine b) seven minutes past six c) five past ten d) quarter to ten 8) What time is it? a) ten minutes past 5 b) ten to nine c) five past nine d) midnight 9) what time is it? a) ten to ten b) two past ten c) five to three d) ten past ten 10) What time is it? It is 12:55 a) b) c) d)

what is the time? updated


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