parliamentary procedure - Orderly way of conducting a meeting and discussing group business., Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL) - Organization for students interested in business careers., SkillsUSA - Organization that provides educational experiences that help students develop leadership, teamwork, citizenship, and character., formal meeting - Structured meeting with a specific guide and process., Robert's Rule of Order - An effective way to conduct a meeting; the most common reference used in parliamentary procedure., Educators Rising - Organization that supports students who are interested in education careers., Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) - School group that helps students learn more about certain occupational areas., Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) - Organization for students with an interest in family and consumer sciences., Business Professionals of America (BPA) - Organization for students enrolled in business and information technology programs., informal meeting - Meeting where members discuss day-to-day issues., Technology Student Association(TSA) - Organization for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics., National FFA Organization (FFA) - Organization for students preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture., leadership - Ability to motivate others to achieve a goal., leader - Person who influences the actions of others., HOSA-Future Health Professionals - Organization for students interested in health science careers.,
Ch 6 Vocabulary
7th Grade
8th Grade
Career and College Exporation
Επεξεργασία περιεχομένου
Εμφάνιση περισσότερων
Εμφάνιση λιγότερων
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι ιδιωτικός. Κάντε κλικ στην επιλογή
για να τον δημοσιοποιήσετε.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης έχει απενεργοποιηθεί από τον κάτοχό του.
Ο πίνακας κατάταξης είναι απενεργοποιημένος, καθώς οι επιλογές σας είναι διαφορετικές από τον κάτοχό του.
Επαναφορά επιλογών
είναι ένα ανοικτό πρότυπο. Δεν δημιουργεί βαθμολογίες πίνακα κατάταξης.
Απαιτείται σύνδεση
Οπτικό στυλ
Απαιτείται συνδρομή
Αλλαγή προτύπου
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