Define Generation time , E.coli takes about how long to double? , M. tuberculosis takes how long to double? , What is Fts2 protein? , m.leprae takes? , Persister cells appear in what stage of the curve. , If a culture starts with 50 cells, how many cells will be present after five generations with no cell death?, What is a chemostat? , Explain the spread plate method. , Gram-negative bacteria communicate mainly using... , Gram-Positive bacteria mostly use.... , What is an obligate aerobes , What is an obligate anaerobe? , What is a faculative anaerobes , what's the difference between closed culture or batch culture and continuous culture, Define the lag phase, Log phase of bacterial growth, Define the stationary phase, Define the death phase , a bath culture is... , persister cells are... , direct methods of measuring microbial growth involve , indirect method of counting cells involves , plate count is.. , Obligate aerobes require, What are the oxygen requirements?, Define Microaerophilic bacteria, pH requirements of bacteria, Psychrophiles, mesophiles (human pathogens), thermophiles, hyperthermophilic bacteria.



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